For each tool it is necessary to monitor this tool and the function of the tool. For Microsoft Flow there is a cockpit for each flow on the flow website available.
Here are the important information located on one page.

On the top of the cockpit there is an action pane with some functions. Below this action pane there are 4 areas with different informations.
Action Pane
In the action pane there are different functions available. For example to activate or deactivate the or to edit the flow.
Flowdescription:(left top)
On the first area located in the left on the top is a visualisation of the used services in this flow shown . Additional there is the option to add a short description with your own words to the flow.
Used Connections: (right top)
The second area located in the right corner on the top the information about the used connections is displayed. There is also the used credentials displayed.
Execution Historyerlauf: (left bottom)
The third area located on the left on the bottom shows the execution history of the flow. It shows the succecced flows and also the running and the failed flows. Flows where no steps are executed are not shown here. From here you can find more details by clicking on one of the runs.
Owner: (bottom right)
In the fourth area located on the right on the bottom the owner of the flow is displayed. If the flow is shared with other users, these are also displayed here.