n the Flow Analytics you find three different views to see with one view how often run flow runs per day and how often the runs failed or are successful.
How do you get access to these cool analytics functions?
There a three ways to get in touch with the Flow Analytics.
The first is from the overview “My Flows”. For each flow you have the option to open the Flow Analytics. This is available throuch the three dots on the right. There opens a Kontext menu where yu can find the option to open “See Analytics.
The second way to open the analytics is in the flow cockpit in the overview under the description of the Flow.
The third option to open the Analytics is also available through the flow cockpit. On the top in the action pane under more you find the option to open the analytics.
Is this nice?
Update May 2018:
Now you can find in the analytics more details about the error of your flow. From here you can go directly into the detail error message.